Housing Program Opportunities
HASFN currently offers several different housing programs. Each program is listed below. A completed application and all required documents must be turned in.
Housing Program Application - This application contains all three programs. Please make sure to indicate what program you are applying for. Please complete the application in blue or black ink.
Update Application - You must update your application yearly to maintain active status on HASFN waiting list. Please make sure you complete the application and provide required documentations.
Lease Option Housing Program
The Lease Option Housing Program is a program "geared" to allow the participant the flexibility of a twenty-five-year lease with the option to purchase the home at any time during the period of the lease. This lease will be renewed yearly. Monthly payments are based on an annual income, and shall not exceed 30% of income. Lease Option homes are located in Agra, Stroud, Chandler, Davenport, Meeker, Prague, Cushing, and Shawnee.
Lease Option Admissions and Occupancy Policy
The Low-Rent Program is a rental program with a one year lease. This program is developed to allow a future homebuyer the opportunity to prepare for homeownership. All rental properties are duplex units, located in the Shawnee, Cushing, and Stroud areas only.
Low Rent Admissions and Occupancy Policy
Emergency Temporary Housing
The Emergency Temporary Housing Program is a type of “emergency” housing that is provided for a minimum of 7 days but not to exceed 90 days. This program is for individuals and/or families who are subject to, have been subjected to, or are a direct recipient of a set of circumstances that leaves them void of viable housing. Persons who qualify have access to safe and sanitary temporary emergency housing provided by the HASFN might be victims of domestic abuse, life-threatening conditions, fires, natural disasters, court-ordered, divorce, or evictions.
During the stay in this unit, the tenant will have a set of strict rules that they must comply with, as well as being monitored closely. HASFN has only two units.
Emergency Temporary Housing Policy
Tribal Elder Home Rehabilitation Program (Revised FY 2024)
The Tribal Elder Home Rehabilitation Program is created to assist eligible (low-income, elderly) participants to bring their home back to a decent, safe, and sanitary condition, and to ensure the structural integrity of their home, provides rehabilitation of privately-owned homes belonging to elderly (age 62 and over) Sac and Fox Nation Tribal members and to other elderly of Federally Recognized Tribes. Sac and Fox Nation tribal members are given first preference. (See Policy)
Required Documents for Rehabilitation
U.S. Treasury Homeowner Assistance Fund
The HASFN’s U.S. Treasury Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) Program is designed to assist low-income and moderate-income Native American households/families with emergency homeowner and housing related assistance. Assistance may include monthly mortgage payments, mortgage arrearage, utility charges, utility arrearage, property costs such as insurance, taxes, title issues and homeowner displacement prevention measures but DOES NOT include rental assistance, household goods or luxury items as identified in the HASFN’s Policy. Current residents of HASFN affordable housing are not eligible for this assistance. The HAF program is available for Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma tribal members anywhere in the United States of America and for other qualifying Native American households in Cleveland, Creek, Lincoln, Logan, Oklahoma, Payne, Pottawatomie, and Tulsa Counties in Oklahoma.
Homeowner Assistance Fund Policy
Homeowner Assistance Fund Application
Down Payment and Bridge Assistance Program (FY 2024 NEW Program)
The purpose of the Housing Authority of the Sac and Fox Nation (HASFN) Down Payment and Bridge Assistance Program is to provide low-income Sac and Fox Nation Tribal members and other federally recognized tribes with affordable homeownership financing opportunities to help improve the quality of life in the tribal communities. Sac and Fox Nation tribal members will receive preference.
Non-Sac and Fox tribal members must provide a letter from their tribe stating they are not eligible for down payment assistance or that their tribe does not offer down payment assistance. HASFN's Down Payment and Bridge Assistance is limited to one time assistance for low-income Sac and Fox Nation Tribal Members and members of other federally recognized tribes in purchasing or constructing a home. The service area for Sac and Fox Tribal Members with the Down Payment Program is all property within the United States. The service area for Non-Sac and Fox Tribal Members with the Down Payment Program is the Sac and Fox Jurisdiction (Pottawatomie, Payne, Lincoln Counties).
Bridge Assistance can be used as bridge or gap financing in building or acquiring a home. The assistance includes but is not limited to new construction, acquisition, purchase of home sites, developer's fees, building materials and contractor services. Bridge applicants shall be in the process of building or acquiring the home. The service area for all applicants with the Bridge Program is the Sac and Fox Jurisdiction (Pottawatomie, Payne, Lincoln Counties)
Down Payment and Bridge Assistance Policy
Down Payment and Bridge Assistance Application
Instructions on how to submit your forms:
email to gyesslith@hasfn.net
mail in your forms at:
Atten: George Yesslith
PO Box 1252
Shawnee, OK 74802